I am the Biggest Loser

Today is day 1 of being the Biggest Loser. 

New Years Resolution: 
Establish a healthier way of living via 
Biggest Loser, Home Edition Challenge.

I'm not doing this alone either. My mother and I are starting our of Biggest Loser: Home Edition Challenge today. It was a $20 fee to join and winner takes all. However, while that might provide a little bit of motivation, it's not about the money. Excuse the cliche phrase, but it's true. It's easy to just pick a New Year's Resolution revolving around losing weight, but this resolution is about establishing a healthier way of living. Here's the plan...

The Initial Weigh In was today. Along with measurements. Every week, we will weigh in. Every month, we will weigh and measure. I have a beautiful spreadsheet that will keep track of everything and calculate our percentages for us. We are going to do it for 4 months and who ever has the highest percentage loss at the end wins the $40 and the title of the Biggest Loser.

BUT here is the cool part that comes with doing this challenge. Not only am I being held accountable by my own mother, who knows how to motivate me in ways only a mother can, but I am also not alone in doing this. We are doing this for 4 solid months, meaning that we will be establishing habits both in the ways we choose to eat as well as be active.

I'm excited, a bit nervous as any big hairy challenge should be a bit scary, but ready for change! So... here's to day 1 of 4 months of pursuing healthy habits.
