[ Days like Today ]

Life is going about a million miles a minute. We've official been submerged into craziness while the Hubs is in the last stretch of his school and while we can see the end in sight. Days like today make it easier to forget that this is just a season, a short season.

Days like today are the days when you wake up and later than you thought you would and you don't shower so it feels like you never really woke up. Days like today are the days when you seem to have a to-do list three miles long at work and it just keeps piling on. Days like today are the days when you wish you could yell, "Mullligan!" and start over- right back to the moment when your alarm went off and you should have gotten out of your warm bed instead of hitting that snooze button.

BUT days like today are the days that remind me of the important things. The more time the Hubs and I spend apart with his crazy schedule, makes our time together so much more fun, spontaneous and memorable. It makes me appreciate his sense of humor and his ridiculous jokes. It makes me look forward to his kiss on my forward when he crawls into bed after a long day. It makes me look forward to our weekends together camping, working in the yard and eating meals together.

Days like today are important because they require me to rely on Something bigger than me. I find kindness and patience in God. He's a God who knew that today would be a long day, that I would be tired and feeling overwhelmed and lonely yet beautifully orchestrated a dinner with girlfriends at my house. A dinner that would make me sit down, breathe and enjoy conversation with some delightful ladies. Who knew that digging in deeper with friends have a bigger purpose than eating Grandma's spaghetti?

Days like today are the days that remind me of the important things...
