Hello Old Friend...

I breathe a sigh of relief as I sit down to write this. Comfy on the couch with my man next to me, my feet in cozy slipper that don’t touch the floor because our couches are the kind that you sink into and I’m too short. It’s been almost 2 months. 2 months since I’ve sat down to write. No blogging for 2 months feels like an old friend that I haven’t seen for in a long time. There’s just so much to say, so much to catch upon. There’s Christmas, adjusting back to work, organizing what feels like a ballizzion events at work, filled evenings with friends and trying to start the New Year with less clutter and more organization. Before I can even beginning to dive back into the world of blogging, I need to catch you up....

It's been a considerably colder winter than last year. We've had more snow and more ridiculous wind chills. Our pipes have frozen three times when the basement just got way too cold to handle it. We've since added some type of heat tape or something fancy like that. It wraps around the pipe and keeps it warm. Whoever invented it is my newest favorite person because I definitely prefer showering at my own house as opposed to walking across the snow-blown, wind-swept yard to the in-laws.

 Remington has never seen so much snow. This is only his second winter and since last year was so mild, he's had a bit of a shocker! He doesn't last out in the cold for very long, but loves the warmer days when he can sprint in the snow, kicking it everywhere. We've spent a lot of time in the kitchen trying new recipes, organizing closets and catching up on one of the 10 seasons of Friends.

With event planning and other work duties, the Hubs' busy schedule with school and work and then finding time to invest in each other and friends and family, it's been an awesome first 2 months of the year. I've starting working out again. I've starting different time management skills. I've pursued more friendships and been digging deeper into my marriage. I've been working on quiet times and being still. I've been enjoying the past 2 months, but missed this- missed writing, missed chatting.

Here's to a new start, to a new year- even if it is already February!
