Whirlwindful Weekend

What a weekend! We packed in as much as we could in less than three days ( I really think weekends should be longer, especially around any type of holiday ). Since there is no snow on the ground, I've been feeling less Christmassy than usual. Everything is decorated, I have my delicious candles burning and I'm totally prepared for Christmas... but without snow, I almost feel like Christmas isn't really coming. I mean, it's only 5 days away and my level of excitement is only at a 3 or 4. Usually, I'm about to burst with an 8 the week before Christmas.

Our weekend was crammed full of 
goodness, Christmas, food and family:


We met our beautiful baby nephew, William, for the first time. He is so small and precious, I could hold him for hours. Don't worry, I didn't. We all took turns holding him and admiring how handsome he already is.

We also went shopping at the Mall of America until is closed and Santa had long since gone home. Being in the hustle and bustle of everything is always fun. I'm not a huge shopper, but around the holidays I love the decorated buildings, twinkling lights and constant stream of Christmas music.


After another quick visit to see Baby William, we spent the day baking our brains out. Okay, not really, but we baked 4 different kinds of candies (Yes, I will be posting pictures and recipes!) as well as some holiday cupcakes. The Hubs helped me and I'm not sure if he knew what he was getting into. I have a certain of doing things in the kitchen. Like when I bake, I pull out every single ingredient I'm going to use and then just put them away as I'm finished with them. It's a good way to make sure you didn't forget anything, but can drive a person crazy since it kind of looks like a disaster when you first start. I love it though. Lots of things boiling, mixing, stirring and so on, it's fabulous!


We had the Hubs' Grama over for brunch after church and a mini Christmassy celebration with her. We had delicious Puffed Pancake and watched the Minnesota Vikings lose yet another game. At half time we exchanged presents and I got a brand spankin' new Kindle Fire. (For those who might be a bit behind in technology, allow me catch you up: a Kindle Fire looks kind of like a large cellphone BUT you don't use it to make calls. you use it to read books, play games, store pictures or browse the internet. All in all, it pretty much rocks). The Hubs got a sweet Carhart work vest. It was a good Christmassy celebration with the Grams.

We also had to opportunity to go to the 4th Annual Teen Challenge Concert. For those who are unfamiliar with Teen Challenge, they are a faith based rehabilitation program that has incredible success rates and is absolutely transforming lives and families every single day. Check out their website for more info: Teen Challenge USA The entire stage was filled with people who are looking for a way out of their old habits, most of which find God through the process. A few of the members gave testimony to where they had been and where they are now going thanks to Teen Challenge. Every story brought tears to my eyes as they told of brokenness, being lost and wanting nothing more than to die. It was so moving.... AND (here's the kicker) Mac Powell, who is the founder and lead singer for Third Day, sang a number of songs with them. it was a phenomenal concert and I'd recommend everyone go see it next year (plus you're supporting an awesome cause!

So, that was the crazy busy and awesome weekend! I have 4 days of work then we are off on holiday to see the family! CANNOT WAIT!
