The Good & Bad

The Bad
1. Rainy weather this week. 
I moved away from the beautiful Pacific Northwest
and not having to deal with the winter weather
 is one of the major bonuses of not living in the Pacific Northwest. 
Rarely in Minnesota do we have consecutive dreary days, 
but this week was foggy, damp and wet. 

2. All of our snow melted this past week. 
All 1/4 inch of it! It just doesn't even feel 
like the Christmassy season right now. 

3. Breaking my favorite Christmassy mug I got from the Hubs. 
It's a mini-tradition that he started several years ago 
where he buys me a new Christmas mug every year. 
I love them and this years was beautiful. 
Then I dropped it in the sink and broke it.

The Good
1. Getting a new favorite mug. For the second time.

2. Finding a new hair accessory that included feathers 
but was not pink or purple or with peacock feathers. 
Not that I have anything against peacock feathers
 (Pink & purple are a different story), 
but I was specifically looking for a monochromatic one. 
(Like the big word? aka: black and white.)

3. Making new lunch girlfriends. Kimbo & L.A. & Dan. 
My new lunch friends at work. 

4. 9 days till Christmas according to my Santa Countdown. T
hank-you desktop Santa. 

5. 8 days till I get to see my lovelies aka family. 
Oh, I just cannot wait!!! 8 days.

6. My nephew William Robert was born yesterday.
He's the third grandkiddo on my Hubs' side of the family
and as cute a button!
We're meeting him today for the first time!

Inspired by: Urban Nester


  1. Do you know what's so funny? I didn't recognize your new last name, so I didn't know it was you who left me that comment today! I love your good/bad today [especially that new mug]! I'm glad you found my blog! I'm now following :]

  2. That so funny! Yup, used to be Boda, now McCoy :) I just have to say, I love your blog, your creativity and honesty. It's so great!


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