
I have been prompted once again that my time is due for another blog. Perhaps it is my large ego that must have my fans crawling at my feet in order for another blog to be posted... or perhaps it is the idea that what I write is going to be public so it had better be pretty dang good and pretty dang good writing. Which ever reason you choose to believe (I will deny both), you have to admit blogging is an interesting concept.

Enough on my ranting of blogging. Quick update of where life has been for the past week and a half or so. Still no leads on the job search, despite increasing frustrations on this end. Recently, the Hubs came down with pneumonia (which he so kindly passed onto me) and he had a mini-vaca for 3 days + the weekend, which is almost a blessing in disguise. It's stressful applying and never hearing back that I am glad he got a bit of break just sleeping and relaxing for 5 full, whole days.

Not all has been negative though, on the bright side of things: we did get the pink room fixed up for a very special Mother to come visit (TOMORROW!) and the room is looking very cute. We didn't have the time to repaint everything, but honestly with the floors scrubbed (three, since it's the first time in close to 70 years), a dresser pulled in, curtains hung-up, a new bedspread and a good ol' floor rug, you hardly notice the pink anymore! Mother-dearest may think differently as the wonderfully bubble-gummy pink walls will be the last thing she sees as she falls asleep and the first thing she sees when she wakes up to the smell of homemade coffee & waffles every morning (Yes, sisters, I would even do that if you came to visit!) Regardless, the room is very cute! I have been meaning to take some photos and put some updates on here so you guys can see how we've decorated and such! Perhaps with my time off this weekend I'll just have to do that!

On my mind lately: Strengths. I don't know if any of you have taken the Strengths Finder Test 2.0, but I would recommend it. Since we are talking about it, my top five are: Belief, Responsibility, Achiever, Developer and Relator. I have been thinking about careers and what I am good at. I've been wondering why I feel stuck, despite having a full time job and benefits and yada yada yada. Let me explain how a very wise man, Matt Boda, put my strengths into plain english:

I am organized and administrate well. I take leadership when needed (the when needed part should be emphasized as I sometimes will not agree that it is absolutely needed). I am trustworthy, responsible and really like accomplishing and getting things done. Example: I make lists. I cross things off my lists. If something is not on my list, I add it just so that I can cross it off...  I enjoy people, and my developer side means that I recognize and cultivate the potential in others (really like this one and want to see where it takes me). I take things seriously and my word is my bond. What I do must matter. In other words: I can take on the tough stuff, need to see progress and it needs to matter.

So, this is Kylie. Broken down into 5 words. 5 deep words, but regardless I think they sum me up fairly well. I've been reflecting on them a lot, looking at how they relate to my current position (FYI - they pretty much don't), how I can develop them more, how I can grow and become more like Christ in these God-given talents. It's fascinating. A gal I work with suggested I would be good in a non-profit organization. Another gal said I would be a good counselor. What are you thoughts? What would I be good at?


  1. Mom, Teacher/Principal, Administrative Assistant, Event Organizer/Planner, Interior Design

  2. COUNSELOR at a school maybs. in oregon. nuff said.
    and i'd love some of those homemade waffles!!!


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