Day 1

I have wanted to start a blog for a couple years now.... I process by writing things out, by being able to go back and see my thought pattern and how I got to a particular result. It is this reason that I decided to start a blog. I am still learning and figuring out all of the specifics, but I really like the idea. I was also inspired by two lovely ladies, Bex & Brittany, due to the fact that I have been able to share both of their journeys as they move towards adoption & having their own little girl!

So... Yes, I had some concerns about the fact that people can see my thoughts & it is public, but hopefully I learn how to do this right that I'll always be safe! Regardless, here is Day 1 of Kylie learning how to blog.... Absolutely refreshing! Bring on the bumbles!


  1. I think this is a great idea Kylie. What you want to experience in looking for patterns in your thoughts and experiences is something some folks such as myself have used journaling for. Your method adds to the learning experience what others read and think when they read your blog. I look forward to reading your blog. Dad


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